Metales Pesados

13 de ago de 2019

[Actualizado 13/8/19] Mark Hunter (Chimaira) diagnosticado con cáncer

Actualización 13/8/2019: Ayer, día 12 de agosto, Mark Hunter fue sometido a una operación para extirpar el tumor provocado por el cáncer papilar. Al parecer la operación ha sido todo un éxito y Mark ya se encuentra libre de este problema. ¡Desde aquí queremos darle la enhorabuena y desearle la recuperación más rápida posible!

Mark Hunter, el vocalista de Chimaira, banda ya disuelta hace años (1998-2014) ha sido diagnisticado con cáncer papilar tiroideo, una variedad de cáncer conocida por ser una de las mas comunes dentro de esta rama.

Dentro de las malas noticias, este tipo de cancer suele ser curado con exito en aproximadamente el 90% de los casos.

El ex-vocalista ha anunciado esta noticia a traves de su pagina en Facebook. Os dejamos con el mensaje publicado (en Inglés) y desde Metales Pesados, queremos desearle la mas pronta de las recuperaciones.

“Hello friends. 
“There’s no easy way to say it. I have thyroid cancer. 
“Last year during a physical, my doctor discovered a large mass in my neck. 
“I had two fine needle biopsies, but the results were inconclusive. 
“A week ago, I had half of my thyroid removed so doctors could better test the tumor. The results were positive for Papillary cancer- the most common of thyroid cancers. Luckily, it also has a high cure rate. There is no known cause for this type of cancer, but it’s likely genetic. There weren’t any symptoms either. 
“The next step is to remove the rest of my thyroid on August 12th and explore radioactive iodine treatment. I should probably sit on a beach somewhere after that. 
“I’m grateful for my team of doctors at the Cleveland Clinic, my supportive friends and family, and for Lauren and her ability to help me out of the depressive dark hole the news caused me to go down. My mother is also an inspiration for having beat colon cancer, as are many of my friends and fans who’ve endured much worse.
“You guys and gals are my extended family, and I’m thankful to have you by my side after all these years. I truly appreciate it. My hope is this inspires you to stay on top of your health. A routine physical could save your life. 
“In the meantime, I am going to stay busy on work-related projects while enjoying the rest of my summer. I’ll continue to keep my mind busy immersed in my hobbies shall it start to wander toward the dark side. 
“Leaving you with my favorite quote from Nietzsche (and ‘Conan the Barbarian’) that I used as lyrics for ‘Resurrection’:
“‘That which does not kill us makes us stronger.’
“- Mark”